PHUSICOS – Solutions to reduce risk in mountain landscapes
Good Practices Category
Good Practices Summary
Comprehensive state-of-the-art evidence-base and data platform concerning NBSs related to extreme hydro-meteorological events in rural mountain landscapes. The established platform will be provided as a service product for the market. This activity builds on the process for establishing an evidence-base as recommended by the Expert Group for NBSs. The platform is under progress.
The focus is on demonstrating the effectiveness of nature-based solutions (NBSs) and their ability to reduce the impacts from small, frequent events (extensive risks) in rural mountain landscapes. Nature-based solutions are cost-effective and sustainable measures inspired by nature that attenuate, and in some cases prevent, the impacts of natural hazard events and thereby the risks that affect the exposed regions.
Replicability/Knowledge Transfer
To feed the database with the inventory, existing platforms have been reviewed to extract existing NBSs related to extreme hydro-meteorological events in rural and mountainous landscapes. Several solutions are dedicated to Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in urban areas. Although they are not completely in the heart of PHUSICOS subject, they were anyway included in the platform because these NBS could be considered as possible solutions to apply in smaller and mountainous urban areas. In addition to the existing platform inventory, a literature review has been started to enrich the database. The database will keep on being enriched all along the project.
The web-based tool consists in 5 modules:
I. a module including all data relative to demonstration sites or concept case sites useful for the project, including both antecedent data or data produced by the project. These gathered data include the technical information on the existing or future NBS and the technical inputs concerning the hazard and risk, such as: Digital Elevation Model, land use, geological, meteorological, hydraulic, hydrogeological, geophysical, geotechnical data and maps, temporal series, hazard and risk maps;
II. a module which gathers all NBS and therefore provides an evaluation and a ranking list of existing solutions according to a multi-criteria scenario builder. In this module is also possible to submit a new NBS;
III. a ‘Scenario builder with stakeholders’ module, which provides to the stakeholders the differences between NBS scenarios and the relative risk reduction for each case study site,
IV. a module for modelling impacts on test sites;
V. a communication module dedicated to large communication all over the project.
Target Audience
Policy Implications
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Social Dimension
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Innovation Type
Awareness, PlatformInnovation
Implemented NBSs related to extreme hydrometeorological events in rural and mountainous landscapes are accessible though this open-source database management system, where semantic, documentary, photographic and cartographic information are stored. An open source CMS (Content Management System) website was used, including a filer to store documents and a map server to bring ergonomic and powerful access.
It has been currently fed with more than 40 NBS in relation with extreme hydro-meteorological events in urban context, rural or mountainous landscape. Although they are not completely in the heart of PHUSICOS subject; NBSs for disaster risk reduction in urban areas were included in the platform because they may be applied in smaller and mountainous urban areas.