CAT-Med – Change metropolitan metropolises Around Time
Project Overview
CAT-MED aims to prevent the natural risks related to climate change, thanks to the convergence of metropolitan strategies and actions. On the one hand, it proposes to identify and quantify common objectives, via indicators. These indicators will be defined on the basis of systemic approach of sustainable development. The creation of a transnational GIS will allow to evaluate the situation of each city and their evolution in real-time. For each indicator, optimal values will be defined, as convergence objectives to be reached to contribute to global warming prevention. On the other hand, CAT-MED aims to define a strategy and actions in order to concretize this convergence. Experimentation will thus be carried out jointly in all the cities. Each city will implement a “Sustainable Urban District” as pilot project, associating key actors in metropolitan groups, and connecting them at a transnational level to share operational solutions. This process will make it possible to build a common model and a methodological guide of Sustainable Urban Districts, proposing concrete answers to the diversity of Mediterranean urban problems, in order to prevent the risks related to climate change by a deep evolution of urban behaviours. CAT-MED will be narrowly followed at political level. The commitment of the elected officials to continue the convergence process on common objectives and actions will be formalized in a political charter.
Project Results
- Indicators: The definition of a common system of urban sustainability indicators enables us to track the evolution of urban systems in time. The indicators are designed precisely to check whether we are approaching the desirable ranges set or, conversely, whether we are moving farther away from them. The set of indicators has been developed in common by the city partners, and is organised around 4 main axes: territorial management & urban design, mobility & transport, natural resources management and social and economic cohesion. More info at: http://www.catmed.eu/indicators
- Green apple: Overall, the Green Apple aims to contribute to the creation of a territorial model, on a sustainable planning and building level, contributing to social integration, mixing residential, commercial and tertiary uses, as well as community facilities and green zones, integrating energy efficiency systems and water savings, optimal recovery of waste, and incorporating information and knowledge technologies (R + D + i).
- Metropolitan groups. http://www.catmed.eu/the-metropolitan-groups
- SUMO Toolkit. The SUMO Toolkit is an instrument that prepares current and future results to be transferred in a practical way and according to decision maker’s needs. The URBAN EMPATHY SUMO Toolkit, as the capitalization process of the CAT MED Platform, serves as an interactive knowledge centre on urban sustainability where successful results, following a concrete strategy based on an integrated approach to sustainability and responding to DM needs, can be capitalized. http://www.catmed.eu/urban_sumo.php
- Malaga Charter. The Malaga Charter contains a number of principles which have been clearly explained throughout the CAT-MED project. It underlines the fact that the elected representatives have fully understood that the new urban projects in the Mediterranean can be vectors of transformation for the whole city. Their adherence to the CAT-MED approach confirms their wish to extend an approach which explores the transformation possibilities of existing complex urban fabrics. http://www.catmed.eu/pag/en/11/the-malaga-charter
- https://www.keep.eu/project/1623/change-metropolitan-metropolises-around-time?ss=0de9a21206fab121f6d777d53a617fd8&espon=
- http://www.urbanempathy.eu/