CLARITY – integrated Climate Adaptation Service Tools for Improving Resilience Measure Efficiency
Project Overview
The CLARITY CSIS will support the infrastructure planners and managers, in the task of climate-proofing large scale infrastructure projects. CSIS will be designed as an eco-system of cloud-based climate services. CSIS will integrate and customize core climate services such as Copernicus Climate Change Services (C3S), in order to provide the basis data on current climate and land cover (e.g. ECA&D, E-OBS, Copernicus Land Monitoring Services), downscaling services (e.g. SUDPLAN, EURO-CORDEX), seasonal (ECMW IFS, NCEP CFS) and long term (IPCC) climate predictions. CLARITY inherits from projects in the areas of Climate change and Urban planning, disaster preparedness as well as Future Internet technology. Climate service development will be facilitated by a bottom up approach with integral stakeholder and end user involvement (user-centred design). CLARITY climate services will be co-developed by city planners, consultants and providers of the climate intelligence and end-users from urban and regional planning as well as infrastructure providers.
Project Results
The project is still ongoing. There are four working domain: Heat waves and storms making the population suffer, extreme weather destroying urban networks, and flooding issues that cause replannings of whole cities. CLARITY develops the necessary solutions and provides information for others. Project partners are collaborating with Municipalities, Urban Planners, Environmental consultants, Metherological organisation, Infrastrucutre companies in 4 locations to provide services (consultancy, data access and analysis, indicators): Naples, Stocholm, Link and Spain (different areas involved in Spain)
{+43 50 550 -0 } main college number office@ait.ac.at or possibility to contact them through CORDIS Platform