ARANGE – Advanced multifunctional forest management in European mountain ranges
Project Overview
The project “Advanced multifunctional forest management in European mountain RANGEs” (ARANGE) will evaluate the capacity of current forest management regimes and possible alternative future management to provide portfolios of ecosystem services (ES) from mountain forests. The project includes a wide range of forest types in the major European mountain ranges and seeks to develop and evaluate strategies for their multifunctional management under risk and uncertainty due to changing climate and socio-economic conditions.
Project Results
Seven Case Study Areas (CSAs) were set up in all major European mountain ranges. This included: (i) a set of representative stand types (RST) have been defined and stand and tree data has been made available via the internal communication platform; (ii) In addition in every CSA at least one representative spatially explicit landscape had been defined and GIS data provided to partners; (iii) In all CSAs baseline climate data has been prepared for an altitudinal gradient; (iv) by making use of the quantile mapping method five transient climate change scenarios (over 100 year period) have been downscaled in each CSA. The five climate change scenarios represent the uncertainty in future climatic conditions in these case study regions.