NADAPTA-CC – Towards an Integrated, Coherent and Inclusive Implementation of Climate Change Adaptation Policy in a Region: Navarre
Project Overview
Climate change adaptation strategies are needed at international, national, regional and local levels. Due to the varying severity and nature of climatic impacts between European regions, most adaptation initiatives will be taken at regional or local levels. In this sense, regional authorities have an important role to play in the success of European adaptation efforts.
The Spanish National Adaptation Plan, adopted in July 2006, is the reference framework for developing adaptation policies in Spain. The vast majority of Spanish autonomous communities have adaptation strategies, plans or actions. However, although these are coherent with the National Adaptation Plan, there has been a lack of implementation. The situation in the region of Navarra is fairly typical. The Strategy against Climate Change of Navarra (SCCN) 2010-2020 was adopted by the regional government in January 2011. However, its implementation has encountered problems and barriers due to the global economic crisis, reduced budget allocations for climate-related measures, and insufficient involvement of key stakeholders. The Roadmap of Climate Change of Navarra and the revised Climate Change Strategy (2018) are key elements to overcome problems and barriers to implementing climate change adaptation measures.
The main objective of LIFE-IP NAdapt-CC is to increase resilience to climate change in the Spanish region of Navarre. This will be achieved through the principles of participation (involving all key stakeholders), cross-sectoriality (breaking down divisions between sectors), long-term sustainability (enhancing regional capacities), subsidiarity (decision-making close to citizens) and networking (ensuring successful replication of results).
Specific objectives are to:
Support the full implementation of the Strategy against Climate Change of Navarre (SCCN) 2010-2020;
Contribute to the implementation of the Roadmap of Climate Change of Navarre 2016 that will update the SCCN for the period 2017-2030 (under Paris COP21 commitments);
Fine-tune the regional capacities required to fully implement the climate change adaptation measures;
Implement a series of actions in the six focus areas identified, namely, climate monitoring, and the adaptive management of water, forestry, agriculture, health, and infrastructure and territorial planning; and
Multiply the impacts of the project’s solutions and mobilise a wider uptake, reaching a critical mass during the project and/or in the short and medium term after the project (e.g. raising awareness, training and disseminating).
In addition to the IP budget itself the project’s goal is to also to mobilise and coordinate the use of an additional €377 657 899 of funding from EAFRD, ERDF and other European programmes, along with national, local and private funds, so as to better execute complementary actions for the full implementation of the 2030 Climate Change Adaptation goals for the region of Navarre.
Project Results
Expected results:
- A new system of indicators for land-use development; and
- A multi-level Task Force platform, comprising the Government of Navarre and local administrations, for fighting against climate change, and the establishment of a Monitoring Commission with relevant stakeholders.
- An early warning system for potential environmental emergencies involving wastewater treatment plants;
- Adaptation of urban sewerage networks through the implementation of sustainable drainage systems in urban areas;
- A new regulation for the implementation of sustainable draining systems in Navarre;
- A roadmap for managing local floods;
- Promotion of self-protection plans for local entities at risk of flooding;
- An alert system for river floods; and
- A report on potential green infrastructure in Navarre.
- A mapping study of the most vulnerable biodiversity areas in Navarre, for setting out action priorities; and
- Management guidelines for Mediterranean habitats and silviculture guidelines for forests.
- Monitoring tools and alert systems for pest and plant disease control, animal health and health risks;
- Advice platforms on soil quality and sustainable water management;
- A Web GIS tool for direct control of the risk of water contamination by agricultural activities, and another for sustainable management of local farms.
Health: Guidelines for public health professionals for implementing adaptive strategies.
Infrastructure and territorial planning:
- Thematic and Climate Change guides, within framework of landscape adaptive management, along with the built environment and built heritage;
- Pilot project of adaptive strategies implementation in an urban environment.
Isabel Macías