EU-Circle – A panEuropean framework for strengthening Critical Infrastructure resilience to climate change
Good Practices Category
Good Practices Summary
derivation of an innovative framework for supporting the interconnected European Infrastructure’s resilience to climate pressures, supported by an end-to-end modelling environment where new analyses can be added anywhere along the analysis workflow and multiple scientific disciplines can work together to understand interdependencies, validate results, and present findings in a unified manner providing an efficient “Best of Breeds” solution of integrating into a holistic resilience model existing modelling tools and data in a standardised fashion.
Replicability/Knowledge Transfer
It, will be open & accessible to all interested parties in the infrastructure resilience business and having a confirmed interest in creating customized and innovative solutions. It will be complemented with a webbased portal.The design principles, offering transparency and greater flexibility, will allow potential users to introduce fully tailored solutions and infrastructure data, by defining and implementing customised impact assessment models, and use climate / weather data on demand.
Exploitation plataform; Resilience Assessemnt tool; delivarables available at the website
Target Audience
Policy Implications
EU-CIRCLE lies on the intersection of several European policies and initiatives spanning across different domains
Social Dimension
It, will be open & accessible to all interested parties in the infrastructure resilience business and having a confirmed interest in creating customized and innovative solutions
Innovation Type
Awareness, PlatformInnovation
will provide an open-source web-based solution customizable to addressing community requirements, either in responding to short-term hazards and extreme weather events or in deriving the most effective long term adaptation measures.