OPCC2 – Development and implementation of the cooperation strategy of the Pyrenees Climate Change Observatory
Good Practices Category
Good Practices Summary
The Pyrenean climate change observatory geo-portal
The geoportal allows citizens to discover the impacts of climate change on their territory, based on various indicators such as anomalies in minimum and maximum temperatures, rainfall and rates of innivation (time of retention of snow on the ground) depending on the season, or annually. On the other hand, this tool features data from the past with the use of measurements dating back to 1981, data from the current climate and also forecasts for the future climate, according to RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 scenarios for the concentration of greenhouse gases adopted by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) at different altitudes in the mountain range. These two scenarios predict an average temperature increase of 1.8º and 3.7º respectively by 2080.
Replicability/Knowledge Transfer
The geo portal could be replicated in other regions easily.
The layers of geolocated information available in the portal are complemented over the years by the OPCC’s partner projects conducting cross-border research on both sides of the Pyrenees. The interactive map also shows the different floral and phenological (study of the occurrence of seasonal events in living beings) monitoring stations in the Pyrenees and the current states of climatic vigilance for different tree species such as black pine or tauzin oak.
Target Audience
Policy Implications
The project plays an important role with decision makers, who use the data to guide policy decisions on climate change preparedness, mitigation and adaptation.
Social Dimension
The geoportal has been conceived as a powerful tool for providing the general public with access to crucial data on the impacts of climate change in the Pyrenees. With this tool, the OPCC wants to directly involve the citizen and the socioeconomic stakeholders in the understanding of the climate of their territory, of the species that inhabit it and thus make them aware of the broad effects that climate change will have on the Pyrenean massif, with an increase in maximum temperatures, anomalies in rainfall, an increase in extreme climate phenomena and the consequences for biodiversity and socioeconomic sectors.
Innovation Type
Awareness, PlatformOutcome/Barriers
The project is also developing a catalogue of Good Practices for Adaptation Initiatives in the Pyrenees and other mountain areas and the document “Climate change in the Pyrenees: impacts, vulnerability and adaptation”, conceived as the bases of knowledge for the future adaptation strategy of the Pyrenees. The document can be consulted in the following link: