AGUA FLASH – Développement d’une méthode d’évaluation des risques de dégradation de la qualité des eaux dans les bassins versants agricoles au cours de crues transposable aux bassins versants du SUDOE
2007 - 2013
Jan, 2014
Jan, 2020
Project Overview
The objective of the program is to measure water quality after a severe weather event: thunderstorm, heavy rain. Indeed, these climatic events generate significant floods.
Project Results
The results of the project are first of all on the method. The project has indeed made it possible to set up water analysis methods but also methods for assessing and predicting hazards. Once the data had been collected, the project made it possible to set up a database on water quality according to the climate event.
CNRS – Laboratoire d’écologie fonctionnelle de Toulouse (ECOLAB) (FR), José Miguel Sánchez Pérez