CARBON CONNECTS – Carbon Connects
Project Overview
Carbon Connects is a €4.5 million, 4-year project funded by Interreg North West Europe that aims to reduce the carbon emissions and enhance carbon sequestration of degraded and mismanaged peatlands. Carbon Connects aims to reduce the degradation of and carbon loss from peatlands in North-West Europe through implementing innovative business models that drive a more sustainable management of the land. Such business models include the development of blue and carbon-credit schemes that can lead to the restoration of water levels on peatland, thereby locking in the carbon. A transnational Farmer-2-Farmer learning programme will allow landowners to directly share knowledge and experiences, while actively targeting new adopters with an online toolbox of sustainable practices. The project also aims to influence policy and legislation with respect to the protection of peatlands. across North Western Europe.
Project Results
Current NWE peatland land use practices drain 4,500,000 hectares which emit 22,500,000 tonnes of C02 per year. Per 10 cm water drop, each peatland hectare in NWE emits 5 tonnes of C02 per year.