CASCADE – Catastrophic Shifts in drylands: how can we prevent ecosystem DEgradation?
Project Overview
One of the most challenging themes in ecology over the last decades is the quest for the understanding of discontinuous changes in ecosystems. Discontinuous shifts have already been observed and analyzed for a wide variety of ecological systems, including lakes, drylands, peatlands and rangelands. Some of these discontinuous shifts in ecosystems imply undesired and irreversible changes.
Project Results
CASCADE will investigate the historical evolution of dryland ecosystems in six Mediterranean study sites, and improve understanding of the biogeochemical mechanisms underlying sudden and catastrophic shifts through a combination of experimentation and modeling. Experiments in laboratory and field will be used to assess the biogeochemical processes that are thought to underlie regime shifts in drylands, to study the interplay between competition and facilitation, and to assess the effects of biotic and abiotic processes on vegetation structure and composition
Coen Ritsema (coen.ritsema@wur.nl)