CLIMATECOST – Full costs of climate change
Project Overview
The objectives were to advance knowledge across the areas outlined above, by:
Identifying and developing consistent climate and socio-economic scenarios, including for mitigation.
Quantifying the effects of climate change in Europe, in physical terms and economic costs (for coastal zones, health, ecosystems, energy, agriculture and infrastructure), and identifying the costs and benefits of adaptation.
Assessing the impacts and economic costs of major catastrophic and socially contingent events.
Updating the costs of mitigation, including (induced) technological change, non-CO2 GHG and sinks, and recent abatement technologies.
Quantifying and monetising the ancillary air-quality co-benefits of mitigation in Europe, China and India.
Developing a number of existing global level economic Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs).
Providing policy relevant output, including analysis of policy scenarios.
The project aimed to advance multi-disciplinary research, developing integrated bottom-up and top-down analysis, and directly engaging policy makers to provide policy relevant outputs.
Project Results
The project undertook updates to a suite of European and global mitigation models, updating the POLES, PACE and GEM-E3 models. This included new technological detail in the POLES model and the improved modelling of the agriculture sector. The updated models were used in the European Commission (DG CLIMA) Communication on the Roadmap for moving to a competitive low carbon economy in 2050.
Tom Downing