ECLISE – Enabling CLimate Information Services for Europe
Project Overview
With the aim of providing accurate information for adaptation to cilmatic change, ECLISE wants to improve climate prediction systems.
ECLISE is developing and demonstrating local climate services to support climate adaptation policies. It does this by providing climate services for several climate-vulnerable European regions organised at a sectoral level: coastal defence, cities, water resources and energy production. In addition, ECLISE wishes to define the basis of a European climate service and thus drive its implementation.
Project Results
The results of the ECLISE project, which are posted on the Internet, are mainly the production of data for localities and cartographic documents showing the location of different climatic situations.
The project partners, in order to be able to draw the future climate tool, have brought together actors to grasp expectations and to think about possible scenarios.
Milene Kempenaars (Mrs.), Utrechtseweg 297
3731 Ga De Bilt