I4F – Instant Foam for Fighting Forest Fires
Project Overview
Water has limited cooling capacity and a lot of water goes to waste during refilling the buckets and during the transportation from the water resource to the fire front. Dropping water also causes problems: pilots can miss the target, distribution on surface is not homogeneous, and much of it is below or above the effectively threshold where the water is useless. There are some technical initiatives to raise the efficiency of the use of pure water for forest fires. Airplanes and some helicopters use inside tanks to reduce the waste of refilling and transportation. Short and long term retardants are also used. The long term retardants are extremely expensive but undoubtedly efficient. Foam as short term retardant also increase the efficiency of the water that is much cheaper than retardants but its efficiency and duration is usually below the long term retardant. Instant Foam for Fighting Forest Fire (I4F) technology creates homogeneous foam, ensures long lasting and it reduces the waste compared to traditional foam. The main novelty of this solution, which is built upon Instant Foam technology is that the foam based extinguishing material can be used in aerial applications, ensuring a fast refilling
Project Results
Demonstration of the technical and economic advantages of the I4F technology that was developed and the steps to be taken with the corresponding costs in order to become a market leading commercial product.