IMCORE – Innovative Management for Europe’s Changing Coastal Resource
Project Overview
Aim: To promote a transnational. innovative and sustainable approach to reducing the Ecological Social and Economic impacts of climate change on the coastal resources of NWE. To achieve: A demonstration of how the innovative expert couplet approach (i.e. collaboration between coastal practitioners and scientists using the principles of sustainability science). can help with the effective implementation of adaptive management strategies for coastal resources. The identification of impacts of a range of specified climate change scenarios on coastal sectors and the development of a response in the form of strategies for adaptive management.
Project Results
Through the IMCORE project (Innovative management for Europe’s Changing Coastal Resource) (INTERREG IVB) local and regional authorities coupled with academic institutions from nine sites in North West Europe are building capacity and developing adaptation strategies to the predicted economic, social and environmental impacts of climate change on coastal sectors. Working together at site level, a range of tools have been developed, tested and innovatively applied as part of an on-going process of local adaptation strategy development. Futures scenario development has been a key methodology of this process. The diverse applications, experiences and key lessons learnt partners during scenario development be will be shared during this session.
Jeremy Gault
IMCORE Project Manager
Coastal and Marine Resources Centre,
University College Cork
Naval Base – Haulbowline
Co. Cork
@ J.Gault@ucc.ie
P +353 21 4703108
F +353 21 4703132
M +353 86 3828574