LIFE MEDEA – Mitigating the Health Effects of Desert Dust Storms Using Exposure-Reduction Approaches
Project Overview
Desert Dust Storms (DDS) refers to the condition created when finer sand particulate matter (PM) from the desert surface is transported over a long distance. DDS pose a major risk to populations residing in affected areas, such as in Mediterranean countries belonging to the global dust belt, extending from West Africa to the Arabian Peninsula. Exposure to DDS PM leads to increased hospital admissions and even higher mortality rates. Patients also suffer symptomatic exacerbations of pre-existing conditions, require much medication and lose their sense of well-being, often with days off work or school. Finally, DDS PM exposure is associated with sub-clinical effects on the general population, from mild discomfort, eye and skin irritation to substantial impacts on biological processes and quality of life. Climate change has led to the higher exposure of southern EU populations to DDS PM.
The LIFE-MEDEA project’s main goal is to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of an adaptation strategy to DDS, and to better inform EU policy-making by providing a field-based evidence for the adoption of a strategic plan for mitigating the health effects of DDS events in south-east Europe. The specific aims of the project are to:
- Provide evidence for the development of a strategic plan for mitigating the impact of DDS events through exposure reduction.
- Design easy-to-implement and sustainable exposure-reduction recommendations to follow during DDS.
- Demonstrate the effectiveness of recommendations for reducing exposure to DDS and related adverse impacts on the health of adults with atrial fibrillation and children with asthma.
- Demonstrate the feasibility of applying models for early forecasting of DDS events and timely notification of the public, targeting susceptible individuals.
- Transfer efficiently the results in Cyprus, Crete and Israel, and network with target bodies in other DDS-exposed regions in south east Europe.
- Ensure continuation of the project’s work after its completion.
From a policy point of view, the project’s actions combined with the e-platform will enhance informed decision-making along with the population’s resilience, preparedness and capacity to respond to the impacts of climate change, in line with the EU adaptation strategy.