LIFE UrbanStorm – Development of sustainable and climate resilient urban storm water management systems for Nordic municipalities
Project Overview
According to climate projections, Estonia will face significant changes in terms of temperature, wind and rainfall by 2100. While in the period 1961-2012, annual precipitation increased by an average of 2.2 mm per year in Estonia, this figure will grow by 19% this century, with the highest growth expected in spring (24%) and winter (22%). The frequency of rainfall exceeding 30 mm per day is projected in the period 2021-2030 to increase by 99%, in 2031-2050 by 231%, and in 2051-2100 by 435%. As a result, storm water collection systems and wastewater treatment will increase their loads. Existing rainwater systems are already not able to cope with torrential rain and storm water drainage systems are experiencing drawbacks.
The main objective of the LIFE UrbanStorm project is to increase the climate resilience of Estonian municipalities, especially their ability to manage flush flooding caused by heavy rainfall. It will facilitate the development and implementation of integrated approaches for climate change adaptation strategies and action plans, at local, regional or national level, prioritising, where appropriate, ecosystem-based approaches. The project will also focus on setting up an innovative complex storm water management system, which entails storm water collection and re-use. The demonstration site will be the focal point for engaging local inhabitants to promote the sustainable use of storm water and a change in water habits.
Project Results
Expected results:
- Proposal of a rainwater taxation system that incentivises the construction of sustainable drainage systems and thus decrease the pressure on city drainage systems.
- Strategies and action plans developed for Viimsi and Tallinn municipalities that include measures for increasing resilience to the impacts of climate change.
- Cost-effective storm water management system including four mobile weather stations and six flow metres in six locations created in Viimsi.
- Four demonstration sites for nature-based sustainable urban drainage systems established in Viimsi.
- Five hectares of land made flood resilient as a result of the developed demonstration sites.
- At least eight additional towns embarked on drawing up a climate change adaptation strategy and action plan.
Contact person: Tanel Mätlik
Tel: +3725102705