OPCC2 – Development and implementation of the cooperation strategy of the Pyrenees Climate Change Observatory
Project Overview
The general objective of the OPCC-2 is to study and understand the climate changes in the Pyrenees in order to reduce the vulnerability of natural and human systems to the impacts of such changes and support them in their adaptation to the negative effects of climate change through the transfer of knowledge.
To achieve this general objective, the OPCC-2 has defined three strategic or specific objectives:
- To identify, analyse and provide the bases of scientific knowledge on the main impacts of climate change in the Pyrenees, as well as on the vulnerability of the main natural and socioeconomic systems to such impacts
- To develop tools and methodologies to facilitate decision-making on adaptation to climate change, and disseminate the results of reference research to the different socio-economic coordinating stakeholders of the territory
- To raise awareness of the Pyrenean mountain range at European and international level in terms of observation and adaptation to climate change, in a context of transnational cooperation.
Project Results
The expected results are to minimize the effects and consequences of climate change and to take advantage in an innovative way of the opportunities that appear within the area. The project will also include a network of renowned scientific experts that guarantees the quality of the work and publications of the region.
The project will also generate the following products:
- A catalogue of Good Practices for Adaptation Initiatives in the Pyrenees and other mountain areas
- A methodological and participatory framework with the stakeholders of the territory.
- A report on “Climate change in the Pyrenees”, on the situation of Climate Change in the Pyrenees.
- A synoptic analysis and sharing of Regional Plans and Policies for adaptation to climate change in relation to the Pyrenean zone.
- An analysis of cooperation scheme with the stakeholders of the territory.
- A final report on “Adapting to climate change in the Pyrenees” containing the final results of the project and capitalizing on the results of other related projects.