PLACARD – PLAtform for Climate Adaptation and Risk reDuction
Project Overview
PLACARD bears its name well, the objective is to list all the research work on climate in order to connect the actors between them, the ideas between them. It is a question of categorizing, sorting and thus carrying out projects. PPLACARD wishes to set up a platform where everyone can come and get information and contacts. One of the main objectives is to link actors wishing to adapt and actors wishing to reduce climate impacts. The key word is coordination.
The programme aims (via the link between actors) to generate new alliances and ideas for future programmes.
Project Results
The project itself is the driving force behind several other projects such as : BRIGAID, ESPRESSO, EU-CIRCLE, RESCCUE..
Creation of a training called “Participate! How to facilitate effective meetings on disaster risk reduction & climate change adaptation”
The project has set up a website covering a wide range of climate change issues. The site informs and develops the themes in order to provide information. In addition, it is possible to find working documents such as policy briefs.