MOTIVE – Forest management adapts to climate change
Project Overview
The project MOdels for AdapTIVE forest Management (MOTIVE) is a large-scale integrated project in the 7thFramework Programme of the EU that evaluates the consequences of the intensified competition for forest resources given climate and land use change. The project focuses on a wide range of European forest types under different intensities of forest management. In particular, MOTIVE examines impacts with respect to the disturbance regimes determining forest dynamics.
Project Results
Climate change scenarios.
Future ranges in European tree species.
Adaptive potential – a partial insurance against climate change risks.
Mapping the risk to European forests with a changing climate. How fast can European forests adapt to a changing climate.
Climate change and practical forest management – when to worry and when not.
A decision support system for forest management planning under climate change.
A web-based ToolBox approach to support adaptive forest management under climate change.